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Tates Creek Science Fair Booth
Posted February 8, 2015


On February 7, 2015, we set up a booth at the Fayette County District Science Fair. Sharing informatiom about who we are and the importance of saving energy to the community. We taught 52 people at the fair about who the Energy Enforcers are, and what we're doing!


First Bracktown Baptist Church Adult Presentation
Posted February 28, 2015


On February 24, 2015, we went to First Bracktown Baptist Church to inform 30 adults about saving energy. However, we mostly informed them about President Obama's veto on the Keystone XL Pipeline, their political right to vote for Kentucky to use alternative forms of energy/renewable resources, and a Energy Rebate  program provided by the Kentucky Utilites Company.

Booker T. Washington Primary Acadmy Presentation
Posted February 28, 2015


On February 27, 2015, we went to Booker T. Washington to teach 46 2nd graders about how to save energy, different forms of energy, and transformations of energy.

Lexus Eco Challenge

Posted January 21, 2015


We will have to get our project and action plan approved by our science teacher Mrs. Trowel by February 27, 2015.

Junior BMW @ Consolidated Baptist Church Presentation
Posted February 28, 2015


On February 28, 2015, we went to the Junior BMW Program at Consolidated Baptist Church to teach (45) 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders about how to save energy, different forms of energy, and transformations of energy.

Julius Marks Elementary Presentation Rescheduled
Posted March 3, 2015


Date TBA. We will go to Julius Marks to teach 4th and 5th graders about how to save energy, different forms of energy, and transformations of energy. This is due to the week of Feb. 16-20, 2015 snow days.

Cassidy Elementary Presentation Rescheduled
Posted March 3, 2015


Date TBA. We will go to Cassidy to teach 4th and 5th graders about how to save energy, different forms of energy, and transformations of energy. This is due to the week of Feb. 16-20, 2015, snow days.

STEM FAIR  Competition

Posted February 9th, 2015


We will be competing against other schools in Fayette County in the category of Community Service

STLP Fall Showcase

Posted November 4, 2014


We will be using the Lexus Eco Challenge Project as an aid to help us present our project at the STLP Showcase.


WE MADE IT TO STATE!!!!!! The Carter G. Woodson Academy STLP program won 1st place and are going to the State Competition in March.

Wellington Elementary Presentation
Posted February 28, 2015


On March 27, 2015, we will be going to Wellington Elementary for their E-DAY program, to teach K-5 about how to save energy, different forms of energy, and transformations of energy. This will be an all day job for us and we are greatful for this opportunity.

Upcoming Events


SAT FEB 7, 2015



Sharing our info. at Tates Creek High School for the Fayette County District Science Fair

FRI FEB 27, 2015



Presenting at Booker T. Washington

FRI FEB 27, 2015



Showing our project to Mrs. Trowel

SAT FEB 28, 2015



Presented to scholars in the Junior BMW (Black Men Working) program at Consolidated Baptist Church




Presenting at Julius Marks Elementary




Presenting at Cassidy Elementary

SAT MAR 14, 2015 



Presenting our Project at STEM Showcase

THURS MAR 26, 2015 



Presenting our Project at STLP Showcase

FRI MAR 27, 2015



Presenting at Wellington Elementary's E-DAY PROGRAM!!!

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